The Fear of The Unknown Ruby Enumerable Methods

Starting the journey to understanding ruby is not easy. Sometimes I’ll look at a really long hash and need just one piece of info that is nested inside of another hash within another array within…


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How do you Schedule Employees?

I remember at my last “corporate job” scheduling was a nightmare, to say the least.

There were only two ways that any employee could find out what their schedule was; call their manager, or wait until they were actually at work, and log into the scheduling platform, and have a look!

While people felt this was often sufficient, it had major drawbacks.

First was that there was often unneeded traffic at the office by those who wanted to find out what shifts they were scheduled for, which resulted in many people having to locate an available computer they then occupied, causing constant issues.

The second major problem was the amount of time it took away from all the managers, constantly having to handle calls from their respective team members, checking not only what their schedules were but requesting changes.

Not to stir the pot, but this is simply an outdated method of practice, and grossly inefficient.

Given current trends, and capabilities in technology, the global shift of employee scheduling simply must be addressed for the betterment of all.

Current solutions offer simplicity in set up, various notification options, ease of use, straightforwardness of interface, and best of all, mobile options.

Let technology play the part in business that it was designed to, improve efficiency, and create the work environment that technology can ensure.

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